Adam Lindsay Podcasts

Fulfilling all your news, sport, comedy and satire podcasting needs since 2012. The online home of News Bin and Talking Balls.

Tag: cycling

Talking Balls 02/04/14 – Druggers, ruggers and happy buggers.

Adam Lindsay is joined by Dougie Walker and Pete Strong to discuss the week’s hottest sports topics – Should doping be a criminal offence?  Has the final weekend of the 6 Nations proved the northern hemisphere sides do have a chance of winning the Rugby World Cup? What are the worst motivational techniques used in sport?  Are Hartlepool the biggest success story of the football season?  There’s also an update on the greatest and worst teams in the world, and find out why England players like Roy Hodgson so much…

Talking Balls 16/04/14 – Grief, belief and glory that’s brief.

Adam Lindsay is joined by Alex Petrovic, Andy Platt and Matt Ayre to discuss the week’s hottest sports topics – Has the time come for Arsene Wenger to leave Arsenal? Will Fulham pull off the great escape again? Should elite athletes stick to what they know, or constantly challenge themselves? What are the shortest moments of glory in sport? Plus, another edition of the semi-regular feature ‘Steve Kean Watch’, and find out how the Zimbabwean FA plan to plug a black hole in their finances…  Have a listen.

Talking Balls 1/4/14 – Friendlies, Googlies and Seasonalities

Adam Lindsay is joined by Pete Strong and Alex Winter to discuss the week’s hottest sports topics – Is the European Nations League a competition too far, or the salvation of international football?  Do the other Home Nations care about how their cricket team performs?  Should we switch some sports from the Summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics?  After Russell Brand’s recent appearance on Match of the Day, who else should the BBC bring in to improve the show?  And find out why a Mexican football team all wore paper bags on their heads at a recent game…  Have a listen.

Talking Balls 02/01/14 – Contenders, Pretenders and Offenders

Adam Lindsay is joined by Dougie Walker, Alex Petrovic and Alex Winter to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics – Are Everton really genuine title contenders?  Should Beckham, Froome or Murray have been knighted?  Should players of managers take the blame when things go wrong?  What bizarre, Cardiff-esque selection and transfer policies should other teams adopt?  Find out who the new greatest team in the world is, and hear about the weird tactic Shinji Kagawa has used to boost his confidence.  Have a listen.

Talking Balls 03/09/13 – Moyes misgivings, stuttering starts, and Peruvian problems.

Adam Lindsay is joined by Stuart Duggan, Matt Ayre and Joe Williams to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics – Will David Moyes’ failure to land top class signings come to define his reign as Manchester United manager? Should Daniel Levy be appointed as Chancellor? Is this the worst start to a Premier League season? What sports stars should make children’s TV shows? And find out why a Peruvian footballer was upset after travelling 560 miles to play a game.  Have a listen.

Talking Balls 38

Adam Lindsay is joined by Adam Race, Alex Petrovic and Chris Stewart to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics. Are predictions of German football dominance overhyped? Is the Ashes summer something to look forward to? Should drug cheats be banned for life? And we have a look back at our panelists’ pre-season football predictions, and make some early predictions for next season. 

Talking Balls 35

“Doing a Vettel”, running jokes, and football’s greatest chants.  Adam Lindsay is joined by Dougie Walker and Stuart Duggan to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics – Should Bradley Wiggins “do a Vettel” at the Tour de France? What are the greatest football chants? Who should be Talking Balls’ new running joke following the retirement of Audley Harrison? Should sportspeople be criticised for not giving a toss sometimes? And what’s sport’s biggest fall from grace? 

Talking Balls 34

Biting, administrating and hand-shaking.  Adam Lindsay is joined by Alex Petrovic, Neil Dagley and Adam Race to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics – Should Luis Suarez just be thrown out of English football? Should the ‘away goals’ rule be scrapped? Would sport benefit from having more former athletes in governing bodies? And after John Terry refused to shake the hand of FA chairman David Bernstein, our panel discusses whether there has ever been a more unjustified and pathetic protest in the history of sport.  talking

Talking Balls 33

Robot refs, one man teams, and Britain’s greatest sportsperson.  Adam Lindsay is joined by Stuart Duggan, Dougie Walker and Matt Ayre to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics – After goalline technology was introduced to the Premier League, should football introduce even more technology to help officials? Is there such a thing as a one man team? Is Chris Hoy Britain’s greatest sportsperson? And what would the panel ban from stadia?  

Talking Balls 31

Fascists, fannies and fantasists.  Adam Lindsay is joined by Dougie Walker and Guy Lloyd to discuss the week’s hottest sporting topics – Should the Old Firm be allowed into the Premier League? Is Leonardo DiCaprio the right man to lead Sunderland? Does a sportsperson or coach’s political allegiances matter? Does there need to be a British female sporting megastar before gender equality is possible? And who has the most deluded, misguided or pointless ambition in sport?

Have a listen.