Adam Lindsay Podcasts

Fulfilling all your news, sport, comedy and satire podcasting needs since 2012. The online home of News Bin and Talking Balls.

Month: February, 2013

Talking Balls 26

Fantasy football, the never ending story, and horse prostitution.  Adam Lindsay is joined by Chris Stewart, Rosie James and Tristan Piercey to discuss the week’s hot sports topics – What’s football’s best ‘what could have been’ story? Will David Beckham ever retire? Is Kauto Star’s new career as a dressage horse humiliating for a great champion? Are England going to win the 6 Nations? And is the Dalai Lama sport’s best celebrity fan?

Have a listen, yeah?

Talking Balls 25 – Wenger’s stuttering experiment, half-arsed marathons, and unhinged sportsmen

Adam Lindsay is joined by Pete Strong, Andy Platt and Sean Chuhan to discuss the week’s hot sports topics – Has Arsene Wenger’s experiment failed? What is sport’s biggest fall from grace? Is Mo Farah making a mockery of the London Marathon? And which unhinged, mad sportspeople do we miss most?  Have a listen.

Talking Balls 24 – Champions League tomfoolery, retirement woes, and the campaign to reinstate wrestling.

Adam Lindsay is joined by Pete Strong, Neil Dagley and Rosie James to discuss the week’s hot sports topics –  Will any British clubs make it to the quarter finals of the Champions League?  Should retired footballers be given more support?  Should wrestling to reinstated to the Olympics?  And has there ever been a sporting downfall funnier than Liverpool’s?  Have a listen.

Talking Balls 23 – Oval balls, Televised balls, and Transfer balls

Adam Lindsay is joined by Pete Strong, Alex Petrovic and Dougie Walker to discuss the week’s hot sports topics – Is the Six Nations the best mainstream sports tournament, and will Scotland win a game? What’s the best and worst sports coverage on TV? Is 2013 the year boxing dies? And what are the most ridiculous football transfers of all time?

Have a listen